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Jonathan Osborne

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My career started by teaching science in London comprehensives in 1972 for 9 years.  Curently I am the Kamalachari Professor in Science Education, Emeritus, in the Graduate School of Education, Stanford University in California but now back in the UK. I was President of the US National Association for Research in Science Teaching (2006-7) and won their award for the best research publication in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching twice (2003 and 2004), and the Distinguished Contribution to Science Education Award in 2018.  I was a member of the US National Academies Panel that produced the Framework for K-12 Science Education which was the basis of the Next Generation Science Standards. I have also chaired of the expert group for the science assessments conducted by the OECD PISA since 2012. Currently we are drafting the framework for the next round of science assessments in 2025


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